Questions you might want to ask before you spend your money. A small amount of time spent evaluating the roofing contractor who may be doing your work should pay off. AAA-1 Pressure Washing Company is committed to all the following issues. Does your contractor have a permanent place of business, telephone number, tax I.D. number and a business license? Does your contractor have a clean record with the Better Business Bureau in regard to complaints? Check on the company’s completed projects by calling the owners. Does the roofing contractor carry liability insurance, or are they relying on your homeowner insurance? Does the contractor comply with all Washington State Workers’ Compensation requirements? Does the contractor comply with all WISHA safety requirements on the job? A commitment to safety indicates an overall commitment to quality. Did the contractor give you the lowest bid? Keep a healthy skepticism about the lowest bid. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Many fly-by-night operators seem attractive with their below cost bids, but are often uninsured and perform substandard work. Will they still be in business next year? Did the contractor supply a written bid? Insist on a written proposal and examine it for a complete description of the work, materials to be used and approximate starting and completion dates. Did the contractor furnish copies of all material and workmanship guarantees and warranties and explain the job, supervision, and quality control procedures if requested? Is the contractor furnishing protection for your shrubs and flower gardens? Will cleaning of gutters and yard cleanup also be part of the deal? Will you insist on top quality products being used on your job? Did you select a firm that
uses certified roofing technicians?
"Pacific Coast" compliments of Christian Wheatley Enjoy More Of His Music HERE Send mail to
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